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Computerized Voting

Note from Webmaster: Even though this section was spawned from the Election 2000 debacle, its relevance is not at all diminished now that the election has ended. In fact, as I type these words, there is a massive effort in state legislatures all across America to get computerized voting systems implemented.

Pandora's Black Box: Did It Really Count Your Vote?
By Dr. Philip O'Halloran.
"When it comes to computerized elections, there are no safeguards. It's not a door without locks, it's a house without windows."
— Howard Strauss , Director of Advanced Computer Applications, Princeton University, renowned expert in the field of computer voting.

Your Stolen Vote - The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
By Victoria Collier. "He who casts the vote decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything." — Joseph Stalin
"The computerized voting machine is not a door with no locks, it's a house with no doors." — Dr. Howard Strauss, Princeton University computer scientist.

Vote Scam in America
Vote fraud in America: Is it possible? Read this and find out!

Newt Gingrich on Computerized Voting
Comments by the former House speaker on the future of elections in America.

Computerized Voting for Florida?
Task force tells Florida to trash paper ballots.

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