Health and Medical


~~For entertainment or educational purposes only~~

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the following report is presented without profit to those visiting this site who are interested in obtaining information for research and educational purposes only. The author of the report has no connection whatever with this site, and the posting of this article does not reflect the author's views with any other information posted on this site.


The following essay is chilling. The Contemporary Military-Medical Complex; telepresence technology; smart shirts for soldiers, digital human beings, etc. Our certain clue that WAR is intended to be a permanent part of the New World Order, under the United Nations PeaceKeeping Organization, ala George Orwell's classic, 1984. 

The creatures working on these types of projects are truly power-mad Dr. Frankenstein's. They should take a clue from the dozen or so missing microbiologists who came up missing or dead after working on the secret chemical and biological warfare projects.
In the movie "SKULLS", allegedly exposing the Skull and Bones 'fraternity', when the inductees were in the inner sanctum and an old Boneser came to talk with them he was standing in front of a wall with the word WAR on it. 
Just WAR in huge letters. That should tell us something, shouldn't it?  Our children today... five, six, seven years old and up are their targets for tomorrow. 
As it was said several years ago in Foreign Affairs, a CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) publication: "In defense of World Order, U.S. soldiers would have to kill and die". --Jackie  
July 26, 2002
Related Article:
So now... is this a god?
"We will be a hybrid of electronic intelligence and our own soul." Digital Angel "will be a connection from yourself to the electronic world. It will be your guardian, protector. It will bring good things to you. " 



On the Contemporary Military-Medical Complex

Claudia Reiche

This text is the result of my impressions while attending two international medical conferences (1) in San Diego in January 1998.(2) Certain aspects of the program were shared by both conferences. One could even say that one was the continuation of the other, i.e., as an articulation, and moreover as a condensation of the contemporary military-medical complex, which finds an important and varied center of research in the town of San Diego itself.

The Importance of San Diego >>
In San Diego, this "complex" gains a special meaning. Tourist pamphlets emphasize its importance as a "Navy town" by offering various sightseeing tours inviting us, for example, to "Join Old Town Trolley Tours as we show you one of the largest military complexes in the world."(3)

The location of the conference seems to have been quite deliberately chosen with respect to this specific economic, political, geographical and social constellation.

The Mexican border is nearby; in fact, it can be reached by local trolley. Restricted military areas abound within the town and around it, the monuments for fallen soldiers cannot be missed, and the Navy dominates the architecture of the area with the living quarters for the families of enlisted and retired army personnel. There is a lot of overlapping with the civilian world, as there is, for example, in academia. The UCSD (University of California San Diego) tends to inherit professors who have terminated their posts in military institutions, especially if their area of research embraces the new media.

Local bookstores demonstrate a gender-specific manifestation of the influence of the military complex. The "women's" section offers paperbacks on Lady Diana or fantasy novels. But there is also a special section for "men", which holds oversized picture documentaries on the military, books on military history and reports on "Operation Desert Storm" and the operation in Bosnia.

A further characteristic incident that comes to mind is the story of the driver who ran amok and found his fifteen minutes of fame and international press coverage in 1995 by stealing a tank and driving it over the highway, crushing several cars and houses along the way. The man had been trained as a tank-driver and then let go in the wake of the so-called "downsizing" of the military, which involved budget-cuts and staff reductions. (4)

Military Tour Information 18-05-95:This is war
"Military Tour Information: Join Old Town Trolley Tours as we show you one of the largest military complexes in the world." (5) 18-05-95: "This is war." (6)

These varied impressions are supported by the facts and figures documented in the Internet(7) concerning the status of the military in San Diego. Despite a staggering reduction of national defense expenditure since 1990, San Diego has retained its importance as a decisive center of activity.(8)

One might add that the present annual expenditure of the Department of Defense for San Diego County amounts to 9.6 trillion dollars.(10) The high average income throughout the region is reinforced by the traditionally close connections to industry, especially in aerospace technology, and defense technology in the narrower and broader sense, ranging from the production of missiles to high-tech solutions in communications and navigation.

Nevertheless, the decisive measures of military downsizing have already brought about significant changes. Starting in 1990, California has experienced a rise in unemployment that is proportionally much higher than in the rest of the United States and still lies above average.(11) The most drastic cuts concern the field of the aerospace industry, affecting the whole of the economy in California. Many highly paid posts in military high technology have been eliminated, and the turnover of the local contracted industry has also come to a standstill.

The transition to the civilian market potential has already been made in many areas, especially with regard to information technology, such as high-tech medicine. This development is in concert with the policies of the Defense Department. The "Dual-Use-Act" outlines the intentions of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (hereafter referred to as its acronym, DARPA) of preferably financing research projects that can also be implemented into civilian health projects. This means a major transfer of technology: decades of military-technological knowledge will be poured into the area of medicine, also as a means of stabilizing the job situation in the shaky military industry.

In another initiative currently supported by the government, the Trade and Commerce Agency of California offers, under the heading "Areas of Opportunities," cheap openings for "venture capitalists" interested in profiting from the existing concentration of over 200 companies in the area of San Diego that concern themselves with new technology. Biotechnology, defined as "techniques that use living organisms or their components to make products",(12) is promoted as the technology of the future.

The Conferences >>
This special regional situation which already demonstrates an economic shift from military to civilian high technology, with a special emphasis on biomedicine, was not, however, the subject of these conferences. No attempts were made, whether in the papers read or in the discussions that followed, at questioning so-called "dual-use" in military and civilian matters, as, for example, in the dubious militarization and technologization of medicine. On the contrary, the general attitude was global and optimistic.

On the horizon, if not squarely at the center of many presentations, stood not only the future of the American Healthcare System, but also the future of the Earth and even of mankind itself. On the other hand, a large proportion of the speakers came from San Diego and California, working in research or as businessmen in the area of technology, and there was one military reference which popped up repeatedly: medical care on the battlefields of the future.

The question of who should attend these conferences was answered in both cases with an almost identical list of professions: "Physicians, Surgeons, Roboticists, Information Scientists, Medical Technologists, Biotech Entrepreneurs and Researchers, Biomedical Professionals, Medical Technologists, Venture Capitalists and Corporate Futurists, (...), anyone interested in the future of medicine and biotechnology." However, that in itself does not explain the many highly polished patent leather shoes that seem to belong to the staple wardrobe of the US military and which remained astonishingly motionless on the thick carpets of the lobby and the "ballrooms" of the hotel that had been converted into conference rooms.

Conference Location
Medicine is Art
Conference location: "Standing at 40 stories, the Hyatt Regency San Diego is the tallest waterfront building on the West coast." (14)

"Medicine is Art. Medicine is supported by Science. Medicine is enabled by Technology." (15)

Here I would like to invite you on a quite subjective "guided tour" of subject matter that seemed to me to emerge as a "military-medical complex" during my attendance at the conferences. The broad scope of this tour mirrors the broad concept of the conferences, which promised, under an enlisted trademark, nothing less than a definition of the future of mankind - a better, safer, healthier future. The starting point of our tour will be the Sixth Annual Conference on "Medicine Meets Virtual Reality™", which labels itself as the first international forum for the interfacing of medical and interactive technologies as a guarantee for "creating the future of healthcare."(16) The organizers' description of the conference spares us no superlatives; its achievements are offered for consumption:

The subject of this year's gathering was stated as: "Art, Science, Technology: Healthcare (R)evolution™." Slogans on posters and glossy pamphlets maintained that: "Medicine is art. Medicine is supported by science. Medicine is enabled by technology." The programming committee consisted of 33 renowned representatives from the government, universities and high finance. (18)
The second conference, which was held for the first time and which inspired the title of this essay, was named: "Bio(r)Evolution™, NextMed: The End of Healthcare? (Thought - Health - Immortality)." Responsible for the program was one man, Dr. Shaun B. Jones, who was also a member of the programming committee for the other conference. Shaun B. Jones is a member of DARPA, where he functions as a "Program Manager for Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures in the Biological Warfare Defense Program."

The titles and subtitles of the two overlapping conferences set the pace for the phrasing of theses, queries and goals. The protection of the titles by trademark is the first thing that catches one's eye. Obviously, words are viewed here as trademarks, part of a business transaction. "Medicine is Art" can be seen as the declaration of a program, a prophecy which is self-fulfilling in the sense that the art of product-marketing is an important element in its implementation.

The protection of labels by trademark, labels that contain a reference to the vocabulary of social visionaries, seems to suggest that the correct word at the right time is worth gold and can influence important decisions. Since the speeches all followed a similar tendency, it was possible, without exaggeration, to mentally attach a small "™" to every one of the words read from the papers.

In this context, words seemed to convert themselves into instruments of a sales strategy, quite apart from the substantial costs of attendance, up to US$ 630 per conference. Following the argumentation of the conferences, one could see them as "instruments of information." In endless repetition, introductions and closing speeches maintained that "the future of healthcare is information."

Information, as we have seen, that sells and can be sold. The object was information technology and the preparation of the market, or, as the guiding principle of the conferences loftily maintained, "Information Heals." This "Healthcare(R)evolution™," the (R) in parentheses implying that the future positive development of the healthcare system in the US will evolve as naturally as the species, would like to diminish the exploding costs and inadequacies of the healthcare system by investing in a wide range of information technologies.

The meaning of the word "information" in healthcare varies in quality, ranging from self-help-groups that exchange their views through the Internet, to chip-cards for the extensive electronic registration of patient records, to progress in the deciphering of the human genome. "Information" also stands for health education in the widest sense.

Thus, the question mark in the title of the conference "NextMed: The End of Healthcare?" does not indicate a critical evaluation of the possible collapse or financial ruin of healthcare in the US, but rather takes a positive stand concerning the future.

The main idea, reiterated endlessly, proclaimed that a new concept of healthcare could reduce a large proportion of the costs in the healthcare system, for example, through the reduction of direct contact with doctors.

How can this vision be reconciled with qualitative improvement in healthcare? For clarification, statistics are cited that seem to prove the extreme inefficiency of the current system: 50 to 80 percent of all people that consult a doctor are in no need of medical help. 70 to 80 percent of all health problems can be fixed at home, if one knows what to do. Not a lot remains to be treated. (19)

The remaining cases that require healthcare for recognized, more or less "objective" health problems would, as several lectures demonstrated, be eliminated through the intervention of genetic engineering against, for example, aging or cancer.(20)

The ideal of everlasting health for all was held forth in all seriousness as the "happy end" of the development of "healthcare," with genetic engineering defined as a force of the near future with reference to promising animal experiments. "Thought - Health - Immortality": the conference program of NextMed phrases this perspective as follows:

Disease, the insinuation goes, is a thing of the past, conquered by information technology. But what can be the meaning of "healing through information"? A critical mind or a specific knowledge is equated with the genetic information of the body cells, as if it were all one and the same thing. The difference in possible meaning is neutralized by reducing all levels to one central formula, thus becoming a vehicle for beliefs that serve a certain self-interest when utilized through the texture of language - reaching as far as the belief in immortality, eternal health and a fulfilled life through the technological domination of this all-embracing "information."

What are the linguistic and philosophical consequences of this simple and efficient maneuver? The goal seems to be nothing less than the elimination of that which has hitherto been seen in social, cultural and judicial traditions as the Subject. The "I" is seen as qualitatively equivalent to the information that can, e.g., be interpreted as genetic individuality from a strand of hair.

The complex process of acquirement and criticism of knowledge, previously known as science and interpreted as cultural work, is being abolished by a concept of information that defines "information" as real, effective, successful information.

The prefix "Bio-" preceding the evolutionary revolution through "information" is relinquished as well in its function as the representation of resistance, e.g., in the diction of ecology or politics. "Bio-" represents the genetic information or medical data in simulated environments. Their "realization", as through cloning, is also seen as "information."

The pompous slogans of the conference Medicine Meets Virtual Reality must be read as such: "Medicine is Art" - an assertion that gains its full significance through the fact that art and culture in the traditional sense no longer exist. "Medicine is supported by Science" - an astonishing claim, since medicine itself used to be seen as a science.

Here, however, medicine has surpassed science and become the regent over "information" and life. And pays its dues to the hardware that made this status of power over life and the world possible: "Medicine is enabled by technology." Technology, it goes without saying, is based on computers.

Here I would like to illuminate two projects, or focuses of research, as representative examples of the interaction and realization of such "information" in a non-lingual area that will also allow some definitive conclusions. The first is concerned with the long-term attempts to introduce telepresence technology into the medicine of the future.

Telepresence systems stand for a certain concept of virtual reality. A robot instrument is directed from a distance and can be instructed to perform certain tasks. In order to know which commands can be issued effectively, it is important to transmit a representation of the environment that will be manipulated, if possible in real-time, to the site of the person issuing the commands.

Traditional areas of research are the manipulation of dangerous substances from a safe distance, radioactive radiation or unmanned operations in space or surgical interventions over a large distance, as for example when supplying the far-off theaters of war.

The second project I would like to introduce comprises the grandest attempt at visualizing medical data: the "Visible Human Project™" of the National Library of Medicine (USA). The three-dimensional virtual representation of the body that is here being concocted and defined as a "realistic" representation of the body will also offer a novel technological "model" of the human body for future medical telepresence operations. Both projects are conceptually and technically compatible - like a main-frame computer and its peripherals, like hardware and software.

Telepresence >>
Telepresence combines the Greek prefix "tele-" (remote) with presence, resulting in a "remote presence" - a novel, split form of existence.

The term "telepresence" was coined 1969 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), by Marvin Minsky, Professor of Artificial Intelligence. His text "Towards a Remotely-Manned Energy and Production Economy" offers the following illustration of the concept:

What exactly is being described here?
The motions of one's own arms, hands and fingers are reproduced at another place, outside the body. Is motion being transported into distance? And what exactly is meant by "motion of hands"?
A spatial event is being registered and transported through a temporal process: a three-dimensional curve in space that will follow a certain direction and velocity. Such motion, insofar as it is transferred into signals and transmitted elsewhere, can be executed in several places at the same time. The translations themselves contain further multiplication and variations on motion.

There is one problem, however: how does one find an orientation while moving one's hands with the idea of transmitting this movement to another place?
The sensors belonging to the artificial hands that are mentioned in Minsky's text are the answer. These artificial hands can "see" or "feel" by transmitting signals to the operator that must be technologically translated into sight and feelings. The artificial hands function as probes for remote, unreachable areas, enabling the operator remote sight and feeling that can be controlled through the signals of motion.
Attached to such a machine, one could, for instance, pick up a stone on Mount Everest, or stare a mountain climber in the eye, if these strange "seeing" and "feeling" hands happened to be there. If the telepresence hands were in the same room, one could also "look" at oneself and "feel" one's own body, in a kind of leap through time and space - in a dissociation of the "body" - even if it is only signals that are transmitted, and not body parts.

This kind of artificial self-reference might lead to some confusion: Where is "here"; when is "now"? The necessity of finding an answer to such questions may seem absurd, but not more absurd than another problem that inevitably crops up: Where does my, or another's, body end?

What is the significance of the image data that is sent from the operating point in correlation to the spatial notation of motion?

What were introduced in 1969 as sensors that could be used for visual, audio and tactile feedback, or as "hands" that could operate at a distance, have since been implemented into many products and were presented at the conference in various mutations. For example, a DARPA project, developed by Spawar Systems Center, demonstrated the so-called "Sensate Liner for Combat Casualty Care": a computer in the guise of a T-shirt for soldiers, containing a "Global Positioning Tracking System", which enables the localization of its wearer within an area of three feet (one meter).

Software that is woven into the shirt as electricity-conducing, encoded threads can calculate the path of a projectile and estimate which of the soldier's organs might be wounded. The optical sensors of the T-shirt can color-analyze the blood coming from a wound and define its venal and arterial components. Audio sensors compute the data for a prognosis of the velocity and size of the intruding projectile. Data on respiration, blood pressure and pulse are transmitted, as well as physical data on movement or standstill and information on the environment, such as air temperature.

The processor and transmitter are attached to the fabric of the shirt in the form of a small electronic package. If we compare this portable computer to Minsky's remote-operating "hands" from 1969, one could say that these hands have now metamorphosed into a T-shirt and gained the ability to differentiate remote perceptions that can be delivered to supervising physicians in the form of image, sound and diagrams.

This development allows for the permanent connection of primarily a soldier's body to the universalized concept of telepresence. Another project has set itself the goal of optimizing the telepresence operation of endoscopic instruments of surgery. In this case, the patient is already lying under the remote-controlled surgeon's "hands."

The "Computerized Endoscopic Surgical Grasper" from the University of Washington was conceived towards the improvement of tactile feedback during remote surgeries. An automated function allows the grasper to independently analyze the mechanical attributes of certain tissues by applying different types of pressure, thus identifying the small intestine, lungs, spleen, liver, colon and stomach. Haptic differentiation of sick and healthy tissue is already being developed.(23)

Smart Shirt Surgery Simulation
"Smart Shirts ...Might Just Save Your Life - In the wars of the new millennium, soldier's wounds will be digitally diagnosed" (24) "Because surgery simulation is a nascent technology, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences will initially function as a test bed to evaluate the performance of VR medical training systems."(25)

An important factor of a telepresence system is the visualization of the objects that the sensors "touch" and "see" at some remote location. This is most obvious in three-dimensional simulations - visualizations shown via Head Mounted Displays as well as different types of Shutter-glasses that are getting smaller and lighter all the time. Even a laser ray that projects the image directly into the eye, on the retina, without using a display ("Virtual Retinal Display") is conceived as a realistic possibility.

A pictorial "realism" of these visualizations in the sense of high-definition and photographic image quality is not the primary aim, since that would entail an immense delay for the computing involved. Even visualizations that may at first sight seem primitive, reminiscent of gray shadows or multicolored tinker toys, enable the actual execution of complex manipulations.

The operators of these telepresence systems often describe this as a novel experience, connecting the impressions of reality with a feeling of "presence." The decisive factor seems to be the changes in the three-dimensional pictorial world following the movements of head and hands. The motion of one's own hand (in a data glove or a mechanical manipulation system) directs the same motion in the image of a hand. Turning your head means that the angle of the images shown changes as well, and if one lowers an instrument, its image in the artificial scene is also lowered.

One thing remains obvious: the movement that is viewed is different than that which is enacted. What is perceived in a telepresence system does not correspond to what has been done, nor to the execution of the remote units. Bluntly said: I cannot see what I do. However, each user feels the need to reconstruct himself as an operating subject from the synchronicity perceived through motion, and to interpret this temporal correlation as a guarantee of a temporarily and pragmatically donned identity.

With respect to the object operated on, telepresence surgery signifies that every operation is performed on an "image," with, in this case, life-defining consequences for the person portrayed. One cut into these novel "body-images" can be seen both as a computing process and as a cut into a living body.

Modern Telemanipulator Improvements
"Using modern telemanipulator, control, and imaging capabilities, we have developed systems, that enable the full spectrum of surgical tasks - such as cutting, suturing, and dissecting - normally performed by surgeons." (26) "Improvements to expand the interface to two hands and interaction with a more realistic tissue model are under way."(27)

A film scenario produced by the US Defense Department in 1994 (28) already shows how wounded soldiers are found and diagnosed electronically, then transported by their fellow soldiers to the surgery container, where a nurse arranges them under the surgery robot in such a way that a specialist can operate the robot from a safe distance in order to extract the projectile and stitch up the wound. The lasting impression is one of precise work done on a sort of construction kit which, in this case, is the body of the soldier.

Taking into consideration that a satellite transmits the hand-motions of the surgeon as encoded data to the instruments working on the body of the wounded - doesn't this scenario seem to integrate space, Earth and the body of the soldier into one virtual and actual battlefield? A battlefield which is itself transformed into a new, immeasurable "body" made out of bones, flesh and data, which can no longer be visually represented. Computerized image-production thus also touches on such established categories as fiction or documentary, the previously fixed distinction between the visible and the invisible, or between life and death.

The Surgeon actually feels The Surgeon actually feels
"The system is engineered so that the surgeon actually feels as if the surgery were being performed directly in front of him, when in reality the remote site (and patient) could be yards, miles, or even hundreds of miles away." (29) "Because the system was designed to mimic open surgery, there will be essentially no training required."(30)

As is usually the case, the qualitative transformation and extension of the possibilities of image-production also serves to fuel an old desire which can be circumscribed as the "belief in the image." It is the belief that the domination of an image entails access to its reference in reality. This belief is certainly one inspiration for the non-differential use of the term of "information" at the conferences. The assertion that the transformation of the image-potential allows for a deeper penetration into the "Gewebe der Gegebenheit"(31) than ever before shall be further demonstrated through the case of the "Visible Human" project, as follows. Many of the lectures at both conferences contained references to this project.

The "Visible Human Project™" >>
The "Visible Human Project" has gained prominence in many respects. Its portrayal in newspapers, magazines, television documentaries and websites, as well as scientific conferences, defines it as the most advanced and enhanced attempt at visualizing medical data. Astonishingly enough, the main interest of popular as well as scientific reports seems to be the endlessly repeated idea of a transition: from a living organism to an oddly "living picture."

The choice of words reminds us of the one-time belief in the potential of cinematography. Among the early definitions of cinematographic technology, we find terms such as "bioscope," "biograph," "living photographs" and "living images." I would like to pursue this misinterpretation of visualized "life" in the current example of the "Visible Human."

The "Visible Human" was conceived by the US National Library of Medicine. An essential aim of this organization is the establishment of medical imaging databases that can be accessed through high-tech computer-nets. The long-term goal is the establishment of an extensive "Digital Image Library" connecting medical image and text-based information, prepared as a knowledge base and structured as hypermedia. This entails the evaluation of visual information data that has been segmented by experts.

Segmented - i.e., the recognition and marking of the outlines of bones, muscles and organs in the images of computerized tomography - in order to allow the organization of the anatomic specification of each identifiable image, according to the text-markings, as "visual knowledge."

The first project on the long walk to the "Digital Image Library" was the "Visible Human," commissioned in 1986. This digital archive of a visible human necessitated the registration of the data-volume of a "complete, normal adult male and female"(32) through digitized photographic images for cyrosectioning, digital images derived from computerized tomography and digital magnetic resonance images of cadavers. This data was acquired over the last five years by computer scientist Victor Spitzer and anatomist David Whitlock at the Health Sciences Center of the University of Colorado. The data-set of the male cadaver was completed first and named "Adam."

"Adam"(33) "Eva"(34)

Heralded as the "first digital description of an entire human being"(35), the "Visible Human male" stands not only for one male cadaver, but is quite casually also seen as a novel definition of the "entire human being." The aim of representing a complete "human being" in a digital image library may seem astonishing and is, clearly, theoretically impossible, since the values tend toward the infinite. The practical aim is, of course, a high degree of technological precision and completeness in the registration of images, with a data-set that is as large as possible in order to guarantee a high optical image resolution.(36)

However, the amount of data was not what made the "Visible Human Project " famous. The images of the cadavers were represented in print media and television reports as something quite different: namely, as the "fantastic creation of the first (real) digital human being."(37)

The supposed "life" of this data made headlines. The data-set "Adam" was described in a biblical sense as a kind of repetition of creation, as the resurrection of dead matter. Newspapers and television defined the whole project as a revitalization, the electronic "resurrection"(38) of a dead body as if a person might be able to "live on" in the form of complete, extensive and identical data in the computer. The quest for completeness in the registration of image data is transformed into the belief in the complete identity of the image and the portrayed, as if one were the identical double of the other. Images are thus seen as clones.

During recent years, scientists have been working on the data to produce increasingly "realistic" simulations that enable numerous three-dimensional visualizations - the so-called "Virtual Human" - from the cyrosectioning photographic images. Future applications of the data-set "Adam" include the implementation of "virtual" motion, in order to attain the active and passive simulation of motion.

Victor Spitzer himself outlined the planned animation of the data in a television interview (40): the formation of muscle movements, the addition of the motions of a beating heart, the simulation of the entire blood circulatory system as if he were talking about a scientific usage of special effects programs that movies employ for the digital modulation of synthetic figures ironically, Hollywood is as dependent on a realistic impression of motion as is the field of medicine.
Victor Spitzer, however, also mentioned further ideals in the "realistic" revitalization of the virtual body. Not only will the playback and modification of prepared sequences of motion be made possible, but also the implementation of programs with mathematically unpredictable processes - such as those from the field of "Artificial Life" - on the virtual "human being." In this way, for example, aging processes with their implications on soft tissue and other physiological consequences could be simulated, as could the development of diseases, such as the emergence of a tumor at a certain location in the brain.(41)

The further manipulation of the data-set "Adam" has the long-term goal of offering Virtual Reality environments that allow visual and tactile feedback and can be used for the simulation of surgery on the virtual human being. The high level of realism striven for would allow the simulation of the changing of shapes in the three-dimensional renderings, as well as a feeling for the mechanical resistance of different tissues while applying a virtual scalpel.

This in part already existing hardware and software design of the "Visible Human" will be used in surgical training for the simulation of operations. The virtual "human" can be dissected and interactively manipulated at will, and subsequently its original form can always be perfectly reconstructed. The real cuts are "healed" through the programs of visualization; they disappear as the regular structure of volume-elements in the new virtual image tissue. The imagery is open to all gazes or virtual instruments, from any spatial point, it can be turned around or opened, or even, as a complete expansion towards the visual, entered like a tunnel. The imagery that is thus produced turns the "data-body" inside out.

The real Challenge Any visible Object
"The real challenge is, however, the construction of a volume model of the Visible Human, which allows the interactive exploration and the derivation of labeled pictures and animations with realistic visualization. The VOXEL-MAN environment is ready for this." (42) "Any visible object in an intelligent movie can be selected by a simple mouse click and related media like text, images, schemes, www-sites, or net-wide queries can be invoked locally or via Internet." (43)

Practice is then possible on the individual. The data-set of the "Visible Human" can be linked to the specific data of a patient, thus enabling the simulation of a patient's body. This kind of computing, called "matching", is important since it allows a kind of representation that undermines the traditional distinction between a "model" and an "individual case."

The "Visible Human, male" is simultaneously an individual body and a structured knowledge base, and in the same way, every male patient can be linked to the analyzed structure of this one virtual human and rendered according to his own specifications. In the surgical rooms of the future, the operation will be applied to the living patient with the same motions practiced in simulation. The condition is the telepresence transmission of surgery on the simulated body of the patient to a robot surgeon in the actual operating theater. Several plans for future surgery envision this kind of telepresence transmission in an actual environment as a normal procedure during surgery. (44)

In this light, the image definition of the "Visible Human Project" can be seen as a decoding and interpretation of information on human beings that was previously hidden in technical body-images. But not only can the structure of a digitized image now be analyzed and manipulated; the decoding of the image is itself seen as the blueprint of the object - of the human being - that can thus be diagnosed and manipulated. The surgery performed on this novel "body-image" is situated on a diffuse border between life and death, between the matter of a new imagery and the matter of the human body, namely within the concept of "information" - which now arrives at its technically precise meaning as a reference to a type of border.

Diffuse Border between Life and Death Interactive Classification
"The surgery performed on this novel 'body image' is situated on an diffuse border between life and death, between the matter of a new imagery and the matter of the human body, namely within the concept of 'information'." "Interactive classification in RGB-space for the left kidney: The user first outlines some typical areas of the kidney (left column). A preliminary result is obtained when all marked triples are used (middle). By restriction to the 'substantial' triples, the final sharp classification is computed (right)." (45)

"The 5th Dimensional Human">>
These observations are intimately connected to the issues raised by one key lecture within both conferences, held by Colonel Richard M. Satava, one of the most renowned protagonists of tele-medicine and the implementation of Virtual Reality in medicine. In San Diego, he was introduced as the spiritual father of Virtual Medicine, and of these conferences. According to his biography, he now holds tenure as a Professor of Surgery at Yale University, following many years as a project manager at DARPA.

The phrasing of the aims and responsibilities of Satava's former employer, DARPA, published in the World Wide Web, seem to be the model for his own biographical notes:

The financing of research that serves as a creative pool for the free-floating development of visionary ideas by talented computer scientists and engineers (but could, naturally, also be utilized by the military) is exactly what Richard Satava has been advocating for years.

His lecture at the conference "NextMed" was entitled: "The 5th Dimensional Human: Integrating Physical, Biochemical and Informational Worlds." What is meant by this surprising introduction of a fifth dimension? Supplementing the three dimensions of geometrical space, and the fourth dimension, time, Satava introduced a fifth dimension, namely: "Information."

Here we find a model illustration of what the superseding of "human beings" through "information" might mean. An "avatar" is the visual representation of a user in a virtual environment. An "avatar" can be nothing more than the symbol, e.g., of a hand that is used to navigate through the scenery portrayed, but it can also represent the user in the form of a complete, often quite fantastic, figure. The "medical avatar" that Satava refers to will originate from the data-structure of the "Visible Human." The idea is not merely the generation of a model for the "human being", nor simply the reconstruction of the data of individuals. Instead, Satava is chasing a far more ambitious dream:

Is this really the case? Is this "information" really the same? Is the medical avatar identical to the patient to whom it refers? Satava ended his lecture with the declaration that many powers are working together towards the ultimate goal of creating a different world, a world consisting of "information" that will coexist with our real world and "enable us to do things we have never been able to do before."
What is envisioned here is a continual, immeasurable, complete registration of data that will be passed on to a control station. Data currents like those from the battlefields of the future will also flow from the everyday-life of all who are connected to this healthcare-system, ceaselessly contributing to the final completion of the construction of this "world of information":

The automatic check-up in the bathroom of the future will be set in motion through sensors in the lavatory (analyzing excrement), in the mirror (diagnosing the eyes) or in the handle of your toothbrush (for measuring pulse and blood-pressure). Referring to a video-show (51) that demonstrated the body-image computed from the data-set of the "Visible Human," Satava explained:

"This is what you will look like" would be the logical consequence of this line of thought. In its euphoric gesture, this use of language has crossed a border. The world of "information" and the "real" world have been identified with each other. At this point, at the latest, the lecturer has forgotten that the data of the "Visible Human" originated from a death-row execution. "Adam" was conceived from the corpse of a convicted murderer.
Obviously, the person who offered this data can no longer be alive. The idea of presenting all this as an image of "life," the advocacy of a world of the future that controls information from "living", as well as from dead, persons can only be interpreted as a Freudian slip - a slip which is augmented in a touching sort of way in his commentary of the video-show. Satava appealed to his listeners while motioning towards images of the three-dimensional reconstruction of the hand of the "Visible Human":
This slip that I would like to perceive as pertaining to the military-medical complex culminates in the comparison of the hand of a murderer with the hand of a surgeon - perhaps even with Satava's own hand. This cannot have happened consciously; it must be an accident, an unconscious mistake.
And yet, the terrifying message remains the same. The universal term of "information" crosses the border between life and death, representation and the represented, avatar and patient - in an absurd gesture that would like to eliminate this border itself. In Satava's slip of the tongue, even the border between healing and killing is surpassed. In the imminent world of "information", it will no longer be of any consequence.

Not only is the idea of the "human being" as it is, perhaps, today "still" conceivable, sacrificed, but so is the possibility of envisioning what the "human being" might signify in the context of this medical-technologically changed future. "Bio(r)Evolution" would consist in the following promise for the future of "our children": the death of Difference in the name of "living information." This, in essence, is the blatant lie paraded about by the military-medical complex at the conferences.

Zero and One Complete Discipline of Surgery
"What you are looking at here is bits and bytes. Zeros and ones. But it is also a living, breathing, caring human being. This may well be a way to introduce the future to you... " (54) "While striving to practice the complete discipline of surgery, he is aggressively pursuing the leading edge of advanced technologies to formulate the architecture for the next generation of Medicine: Medicine 2001." (55)


Translation: Brigitte Helbling

ad 01) NextMed: The End of Health Care? (Thought - Health - Immortality) A Conference on the Bio(r)Evolution™, Conference Organizers: Aligned Management Associates Inc., San Diego CA, San Diego Hyatt Regency, 27.-29.1.1998 and Medicine Meets Virtual Reality: 6: Art, Science, Technology: Healthcare (R)evolution™, Conference Organizers: Aligned Management Associates Inc., San Diego CA, San Diego Hyatt Regency, 28.-31.1.1998. >>
ad 02) I attended these conferences as part of my research for the project: "Körperbilder. Mediale Verwandlungen des Menschen in der Medizin" ("Images of the Body: The medial transformation of human beings in medicine"), which is supervised by Prof. Marianne Schuller and sponsored by the VW-Stiftung. >>
ad 03) Historic Tours of America, The Nations Storyteller ¨: Free Map San Diego, CA, Old Town Trolley Tours, © 1997. >>
ad 04) Thanks to Chris Robbins (Dept. of Telecommunications, Film & New Media, SFSU) for her well-informed and inspired discussion with me of the specific military complex of San Diego. >>
ad 05) Op. Cit. >>
ad 06) An eyewitness, commenting upon the driver in the tank run amok, 18.5.95 in San Diego, as shown in "Die wildesten Polizeijagden der Welt," RTL, 4.10.1998. >>
ad 07) Gibraltar on the Pacific, San Diego's Military History, Fact Sheet, The Military in San Diego, (9.6.1998). Uploades version : >>
ad 08) "Since 1990, employment in defense and defense-related industries has been cut in half." in: California Trade & Commerce Agency: California, An Economic Profile, September 1997, (9.6.1998). >>
ad 09) Op. Cit., Gibraltar on the Pacific. >>
ad 10)10 Ibid. >>
ad 11) Op.Cit., California Trade & Commerce Agency: California, An Economic Profile. >>
ad 12) Ibid. >>
ad 13)13 California Trade & Commerce Agency: Site Location, San Diego/Imperial County, (9.6.1998). >>
ad 14) Travel Web PhotoPage, >>
ad 15) Aligned Management Associates, Inc., program, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality: 6, San Diego 1998, p.1. >>
ad 16) Ibid. >>
ad 17) Aligned Management Associates, Inc., pamphlet on: Medicine Meets Virtual Reality: 5, San Diego 1997, back cover. >>
ad 18) Michael J. Ackerman (Office of High Performance Computing & Communications, National Library of Medicine), Ian Algier (New York Hospital / Cornell Med Ctr), David C. Balch (Ctr. for Health Sciences Communication, ECU School of Medicine), John P. Brennan (Obstetrics & Gynecology, SUNY Health Sciences Center), Steven T. Charles (Micro-Dexterity Systems), Terence M. Davidson (Continuing Medical Education, UCSD School of Medicine), Steven L. Dawson (Ctr. for Innovative Minimally Invasive Therapy, Massachusetts General Hospital), Nathaniel I. Durlach (Director, VETREC, MIT), Henry Fuchs (University of North Carolina, Dept. of Computer Science), Walter J. Greenleaf (Greenleaf Medical Systems), Helene M. Hoffman (Asst. Dean, Curriculum & Edu. Computing, UCSD), CDR Shaun B. Jones (Biomedical Technology, DARPA), Thomas J. Miller (Zeiss Optical Systems, Inc.), Jack W. Moncrief (Moncrief Dialysis Ctr. & VidiMedix, Inc.), Morgan W. Nields (Fischer Imaging), Lutz-P. Nolte (M.E. Muller Inst. for Biomechanics, University of Bern), Makoto Nonaka (Foundation for International Scientific Advancement), Glenn M. Preminger (Division of Urology, Duke University Medical Center), Richard A. Robb (Biomedical Imaging Resource, Mayo Foundation/Clinic), Jannick P. Rolland (Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida - Orlando), Joseph M. Rosen (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Ctr.), Richard M. Satava (Department of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine), Rainer M.M. Seibel (Inst. of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, University of Witten/Herdecke), Ramin Shahidi (Image Guidance Laboratories/Neurosurgery, Stanford University Medical Center), Faina Shtern (Office of the Secretary/Hhs, US Office on Women's Health), Hans B. Sieburg (In Silico Technologies, San Diego) Don Stredney (Ohio Supercomputer Center), John P. Verschoor (Advanced Concepts & Technology, Ethicon Endo-Surgery), Kirby G. Vosburgh (Research & Development, GE), Yulum Wang (Computer Motion, Inc., Goleta), Dave Warner (NPAC, Syracuse University, Institute for Interventional Informatics, San Diego), Suzanne J. Weghorst (Human Interface Technology Lab, University of Washingtion), Brenda Wiederhold (San Diego). >>
ad 19) Already cited by: Joe Flower, "HOTS: Health Orientated Telecommunication," in: Wired, January 1994, (25.5.1998), presented by George Poste, "Molecular Medicine, Population Genetics and Individualized Care." >>
ad 20) E.g., in lectures by: Robert Strausberg & Carol Dahl, "The Genomics Revolution: An Enabling Platform for a New Era in Biomedical Research," Dr. Stephen Johnston, "Sequence Space: To Boldly Go Where No Life Has Gone Before," Ward Dean, "Aging: The Disease Which Afflicts Everyone Over the Age of Thirty-five: Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment." >>
ad 21) Aligned Management Associates, Inc., leaflet, NextMed: The End of Health Care?, San Diego 1998, 1. inside. >>
ad 22) Cited from: Howard Rheingold, Virtual Reality. The Revolutionary Technology of Computer-Generated Artificial Worlds - And How It Promises to Transform Society, Touchstone, New York 1991, p.255. >>
ad 23) Further developments that could define the future of telepresence systems from: Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, James D. Westwood et al., eds., Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington, DC 1998: Suzanne Weghorst et al., "Validation of the Madigan ESS Simulator," Cagatay Basdogan et al., "Force Interactions in Laparoscopic Simulations: Haptic Rendering of Soft Tissues," H. A. Grabowski et al., "Generating finite element models from volumetric medical images," Theodore P. Mason et al., "The Virtual Temporal Bone," M.D. Ross et al., "A National Center for Biocomputation: In Search of a Patient-Specific Interactive Virtual Surgery Workbench," Erik Viire et al., "The Virtual Retinal Display: A New Technology for Virtual Reality and Augmented Vision in Medicine," James Parsons et al., "A Non-Intrusive Display Technique for Providing Real-Time Data Within a Surgeon's Critical Area of Interest," Naoki Suzuki et al., "Simulator for Virtual Surgery Using Deformable Organ Models and Force Feedback Systems," Catherina R. Burghart et al., "A System for Robot-Assisted Maxillofacial Surgery," Matthias Wapler et al., "Motion Feedback as a Navigation Aid in Robot-Assisted Neurosurgery," Jörg Raczkowsky et al., "Planning and Simulation of Medical Robot Tasks," Hiroshi Tanaka et al., "Brain Surgery Simulations Systems Using VR Technique and Improvement of Presence," Jon S. Rousu et al., "Computer-Assisted Image-Guided Surgery using the Regulus™ Navigator," John W. Hill et al., "Telepresence Interface with Applications to Microsurgery and Surgical Simulations," Alberto Rovetta, "Demonstration of Surgical Telerobotics and Virtual Telepresence by Internet + ISDN from Monterey (USA) to Milan (Italy)," Don Stredney et al., "A comparative Analysis of Integrating Visual Representations with Haptic Displays." >>
ad 24) Ed Susman, Smart Shirts ...Might Just Save Your Life, in: Military Medical Technology, April-May 1998, p. 24. >>
ad 25) Says LTC Chris Kaufman, MD, Chief of the Division of Surgery for Trauma at USUHS. Quoted in: Military Medical Technology, April-May 1998, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.17. >>
ad 26) John W. Hill et al., "Telepresence Interface with Applications to Microsurgery and Surgical Simulation," in: James D. Westwood et al., eds., Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington, DC, 1998, p. 96. >>
ad 27) Ibid. >>
ad 28) Shown in the feature "WiSo,: ZDF, 16.3.1995. >>
ad 29) US Army Medical Department Journal, November-December 1997, PB 8-97-11/12, >>
ad 30) Ibid. >>
ad 31) "The painter maintains in his work a natural distance from reality; the cameraman penetrates deeply into its web. (Footnote:) The boldness of the cameraman is indeed comparable to that of the surgeon." Walter Benjamin, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," in: Illuminations: Walter Benjamin, Essays and Reflections, ed. Hannah Arendt, transl. Harry Zohn, New York, 1988, p.233. This translation omits one meaning of "Gewebe": as "tissue" in the medical sense. >>
ad 32) National Library of Medicine, (3.8.1999). >>
ad 33) Sagittal and coronal cross-section of the Visible Human Male, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Center for Human Simulation, Anatomical Visualization. Incorporated, >>
ad 34) Sagittal and coronal cross-section of the Visible Human Female, Ibid. >>
ad 35) University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, (24.1.1996). >>
ad 36) The project itself revised its opinion on what size of data-set could represent "a complete human being." The representation of the Visible Human Female, named Eve, was completed in 1996 and consisted of a data-set that was even more "complete," i.e., three times as large as the one representing Adam. The "realism" portrayed is defined in proportion to the size of the database and can be extracted from the following, much-cited numbers: Adam's data-set requires 15 Gigabyte memory space; Eve's data-set approx. 39 Gigabytes. >>
ad 37) Maria Biel, Schspfung, loc. cit. pp. 87-91. >>
ad 38) Frankfurter Rundschau, 29.11.1995, p.34. Frankfurter Rundschau, 29.11.1995, p.34. >>
ad 39) University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, op. cit. >>
ad 40) Prisma Magazin, 27.2.1996, No. 3. >>
ad 41)The current level of simulation moves such prognosis into the distant future. The simulation of mechanical attributes of the human body, such as natural motions or reactions to medical intervention, is qualitatively quite different from the simulation of processes on the level of the cell structure, such as in aging or the growth of a tumor. Even the approximate representation of the different attributes of mechanical tissue with all their tensions, resistances, etc. is still an unsolved problem, and the representation of cellular processes is not yet even remotely conceivable. >>
ad 42) University of Hamburg, University Hospital Eppendorf, >>
ad 43) R. Schubert et al., Interactive Volume Visualization Using "Intelligent Movies", in: Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, The Convergence of Physical & Informational Technologies: Options for a New Era in Healthcare, ed. James D. Westwood et al., Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington, DC 1999, p.323. >>
ad 44) E.g., in: Surgical Room of the Future (SRF), MIT; Operating Environment of the Future (OEF), Northrop Grumman Corporation; OP 2000, National Cancer Center Tokyo; ARTEMIS (Advanced Robot and Telemanipulator System for Minimally Invasive Surgery), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe; Operationssaal 2015, Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung. >>
ad 45) >>
ad 46)46 Reader, NextMed: The End of Health Care?, (pages not numbered). >>
ad 47) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Mission, 20.4.1998, (25.5.1998). >>
ad 48)48 Author's audio-recording of Satava's lecture. >>
ad 49)49 Michael Jennings, "Real Patients, Virtual Surgery," in: Life, February 1997, p.81. >>
ad 50) Ibid. >>
ad 51) The video showed Alexander Tsiara's visualization of the data of the Visible Human Male; see: BodyVoyage, A Three-Dimensional Tour of a Real Human Body, CD-ROM, Time Warner Electronic Publishing, New York 1997. >>
ad 52) Author's audio-recording of Satava's lecture. >>
ad 53) 53 Ibid. >>
ad 54) Dr. Richard Satava, 27.1.98. The frame shows a three-dimensional reconstruction of the "Visible Human" by Alexander Tsiaras. Cf.: BodyVoyage CD-ROM, op. cit.>>
ad 55) Image Source:; Bio: Conference Reader, NextMed: The End of Health Care? >>

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